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Please note: this is for uploading and for egroups, therefore, some features will be left off to avoid HTML and other problems such as possessions so, for a person it would read AHMAD(s) and the small (s) would suggest possession, quotation marks will be left out and capital letters would be used instead and other changes- my apologizes for them. SHIISM IN SUNNISM by Ayatulloh Sayyid Muhammad Reza Mudarrisi Yazdi. According to page 20 of this book, reasoning for Imamate falls into three aspects: (1) Logical method-the infallibility of the Imams is proven via lutf (benevolence) principle and logical understanding. (2) Miracle method-miracles of the Imams. (3) Nass (wording) method-the introduction of the Imams by the Prophet Muhammad (saw) himself as to his next successor and the successor after him etc. Just as Prophet Moses (AS) introduced his brother Aaron (AS) as a Prophet and set Prophet Yusha or Joshua (AS) as his successor after him; the Prophet Muhammad (saw) was the last Prophet in a line of 240,000 Prophets sent by God to humankind, so, it is logical that only Holy Imams would follow as a promise by God to keep His vicegerents on earth until the end of time. ---According to page 23 of this book, SHIISM IN SUNNISM, sources from nearly fifty books of both Sunni and Shia sources includes: ITHBAT AL HUDAT; GHAYAT AL-MARAM; MUNTAKHAB AL-ATHAR; AMAN AL-UMMAH; JAMI AL RUWAT and TANQIH AL-MAQAL from the Shia, and SAHIH AL BUKHARI; SAHIH MUSLIM; MUSTADRAK; SUNAN AL-TIRMIDHI; SUNAN AL NISAI; SUNAN ABI DAWUD; SUNAN IBN MAJAH; MUSNAD AHMAD; AL MUJAM AL-KABIR; AL SAWAIQ AL MUHRIQAH; KANZ AL UMMMAL; LISAM AL MIZAN; and TAHDHIB AL TAHDHIB from the Sunni. ---According to Raghib-the famous lexicographer, said in his book MUFRADAT that an Imam is ONE WHO IS FOLLOWED. IT CAN BE EITHER A PERSON WHOSE SPEECH AND BEHAVIOR ARE FOLLOWED OR A BOOK ETC. WHEREAS, A CALIPH IS DIFFERENT FROM AN IMAM. CALIPHATE IS THE SUCCESSION OF ANOTHER PERSON. If you are a non-Muslim reading this or a new Muslim convert or someone considering converting to Islam which is your right since Allah Himself said THERE IS NO COMPULSION IN RELIGION just as there is no force for people to choose HELL OR HEAVEN because human kind has FREE WILL unlike animals and other creations in the Universe what you are reading about is similar to Orthodox Islam and what came afterwards because Shias are the followers of the first male to acknowledge ISLAM from the preaching of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) who is Imam Ali(AS) and not a convert to Islam as Abu Bakr. Imam Ali (AS) was raised a Muslim; Abu Bakr accepted Islam late in life and was not as knowledgeable as Imam Ali (AS) of whom he sought his advice and knowledge as is well documented in Ahadith or (Islamic) traditions. Note that UMMAH means NATION or followers of the Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (saw) of Islam. NAAS means MASSES. ---According to page 25 of the same book mentioned above, SHIISM IN SUNNISM, Abu Bakr said as cited in SAHIH AL BUKHARI, KITAB AL HUDUD, BAB RAJM AL-HUBLA, NO. 6328: CALIPHATE IS NOT RECOGNIZED EXCEPT FOR QURAYSH and also, IMAMS ARE FROM QURAYSH, see MUSNAD AHMAD, Volume 3, page 129. ---According to page 25, Ayatulloh Sayyid Muhammad Reza Mudarrisi Yazdi mentioned certain words of which we must know their meanings, especially for new Muslims or those seeking knowledge on Islam such as, ANSARS meaning HELPERS; the city of YATHRIB in Arabia was later called AL MADINAH or the City of the Prophet, named so by the people there when the Prophet took up the City as his residence and the followers of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) were called MUHAJIRUN. ---According to page 26 of the same book, ADHUD AL DIN IJI, a Sunni Judge and Scholar, in SHARH AL-MAWAQIF that is 1st edition, 1419, Volume 8, page 377, and one should note here that there are six references in the book SHIISM IN SUNNISM, about this main point that an age without an IMAM is illogical just as an age before without a PROPHET was illogical because the laws and message of God would be lost as it was when these Prophets died or the Holy Books they brought disappeared by men who tampered with it such as the BOOK OF THE DEAD, modern day books which have been tampered with and changed as the OLD TESTAMENT and the NEW TESTAMENT which Christians and Jews know very well that there are different versions of the said text and mistakes in them to the tune of hundreds of thousands of errors. Now, to make this simple, one will just cite the references and pages in the book SHIISM IN SUNNISM, as mentioned below, continuing with the one on page 26 as mentioned above: The Sunni Judge and Scholar, Adhud Al Din Iji, stated: MUSLIMS IN THE EARLY YEARS AFTER THE PROPHET(S) DEMISE HAVE SUCCESSIVELY REACHED CONSENSUS THAT AN AGE WITHOUT IMAM IS IMPOSSIBLE. Also, on page 27, MUSNAD AL MAKKIYIN book, No. 15140 International no. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) is cited in Volume 3, page 446 of MUSNAD AHMAD as having said THE HOLY PROPHET (SAW) HAS SAID: ONE WHO DIES WITHOUT OBEDIENCE (TO AN IMAM) DIES AS A PAGAN AND UNBELIEVER. The same exact saying is also documented in SAHIH MUSLIM volume 12, page 240 (NAWAWI(s) EXPOSITION): Al-MUJAM AL KABIR, Volume 10, page 289; and SAHIH MUSLIM volume 12, page 201 (NAWAWI(s) EXPOSITION) and in MUSNAD AHMAD volume 4, page 96. Adhud Al Din Iji, a Sunni Judge and scholar, in MAWAQIF says (see SHARJ AL MAWAQIF, DAR AL KUTUB AL ILMIYYAH, Beirut, 1st Edition 1419 Volume 8, page 377): MUSLIMS IN THE EARLY YEARS AFTER THE (DEMISE OF THE PROPHET)…HAVE SUCCESSIVELY REACHED CONSENSUS THAT AN AGE WITHOUT AN IMAM IS IMPOSSIBLE. According to AL DURR AL MANTHUR Volume 4, page 194: IBN MARDWIAH HAS QUOTED ALI (AS) AS SAYING THAT THE PROPHET(SAW) WHEN INTERPRETING THE HONORABLE QURANIC VERSE: (remember) THE DAY WHEN WE WILL CALL EVERY PEOPLE WITH THEIR IMAM, holy Quran chapter 18: verse 71stated: EACH GROUP IS CALLED WITH THE IMAM OF ITS AGE (epoch)..(it is) GOD(s) DIVINE BOOK AND ITS, said the prophet sunnah. By this then, George Bush of Amerika will be called with his Imam, satan, and the Pharaoh will be called with his IMAM. For the Jews, Moses (AS) will be called with them because he is their Imam. Ibrahim (AS) will be called with his followers. Jesus(AS), the Prophet of God, will be called with his people to account for their deeds on earth, only the Imams in these cases will not be responsible for their deeds except the Imam of Bush, satan, who will be destroyed indefinitely, inshaAllah. However, the accounts and necessity for Imams get even better: According to DHAKHA IR AL UQBA, page 17: UMAR QUOTED THE HOLY PROPHET (SAW) AS SAYING: IN EACH GENERATION OF MY NATION, THERE ARE JUST PEOPLE FROM MY AHLUL BAYT(the family or bloodline of the PROPHET MUHAMMAD(saw)), DEFENDING RELIGION AGAINST DISTORTIONS (as we see the African American woman. Sister to Condi Rice, Amina Wadud, claiming that it is o.k. for a woman to lead prayers in front of men and to have men and women sit next to each other and bow next to each other in prayer with or without hijab or head covering on thus insulting MARY the mother of Jesus(AS) as well as Islamic teachings and the commandments of Allah not to allow women to lead prayers over men because it is biologically impossible when they menstruate and pass blood during certain times of each months of the year which makes it haram for them to touch the Holy Quran and even to enter the Mosque or any Holy Place for that matter, in the 21 st Century as the satan or devil gets more creative from Salman Rushdie to Amina Wadud now) OF EXAGGERATORS, CLAIMS OF THE LIARS AND INTERPRETATIONS OF THE IGNORANT(by this the prophet meant that when some people read a little they think they know everything just as these American Muslims who are Doctors, Lawyers, Professors as Amina Wadud, and they seem to know more than Ayatullohs who have studied for 16-20 years at least!). YOUR IMAMS ARE YOUR MESSENGERS TO ALMIGHTY GOD. BE AWARE OF WHO YOU CHOOSE AS YOUR MESSENGERS! Also cited on page 67,THEREFORE, IN THE PROPHET(s) AGE, THE AHL AL BAYT INCLUDED ALI, FATIMAH, HASAN AND HUSAYN(as), BUT THERE WILL ALWAYS BE PEOPLE FROM THE AHL AL BAYT FOR THE SAFETY AND GUIDANCE ON THE EARTH (of whom satan will have no power over them). THE GREAT PROPHET OF ALLAH (PROPHET MUHAMMAD-saw) HAS CONSIDERED IMAM MAHDI (as) FROM THE AHL AL BAYT TOO; WHO IS THE LAST IMAM IS AS STIPULATED IN THE FOLLOWING TRADITIONS: See the book, MUSNAD AHMAD, volume 3, Page 28 which states that: THE EARTH WILL BECOME FULL OF INJUSTICE AND OPPRESSION AND THEN A MAN FROM THE HOUSE (as) WILL EMERGE. HE WILL GOVERN THE EARTH FOR SEVEN OR NINE YEARS, MAKING IT FULL OF JUSTICE, see also the book MUSNAD AL-MUKATHIRIN, NO. 10791,10737, 10780, 10706, 10887 and 10898 as well as 11238. Now who would doubt the words of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) when it comes not only from Shia sources but Sunni sources too? But that is not all, there are more evidences and references to prove this point about the necessity of the imams of other times before ours and the imam of our time. On pages 73-74-75 of this main book, SHIISM IN SUNNISM, according to the book, HILYAT AL AWLIYA, Volume 1, page 86, 4th edition DAR AL KITUB AL ARABI 1405, our beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (SAW) said: ONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO LIVE AND DIE AS I DO AND BE PLACED IN PARADISE (of Eden) THAT IS MADE BY MY LORD SHOULD FOLLOW ALI AND HIS SUCCESSORS AND IMAMS AFTER ME; SINCE THEY ARE MY HOUSEHOLD. THEY ARE CREATED FROM MY DISPOSITION AND GIVEN KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING. WOE BETIDES THOSE WHO DENY THEIR EXCELLENCE! WOE BETIDES THOSE WHO DENY THEIR RELATION TO ME! MAY GOD DEPRIVE THEM OF MY INTERCESSION. This is perhaps the most important reason why I, Sayyed Abu Fadi, am a Shia Muslim because I seek not to be deprived of my beloved Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah(s) (saw) intercession and his words as regards his warnings for us, stated 1426 years ago after him and about our time to be on the right path and not the other sects created by those who wish to see divisions in Islam such as Wahabism which was created by Muhammad Abd Al Wahab in the 18th Century, or by sects even in Sunnism created by the Four Sunni Imams or by the NATION OF ISLAM which is so far from Islam one wonders why they are even listed as Muslim or like the contemporary sect of women Imams created by Afro American Amina Wadud, again one wonders why she is even listed as a Muslim and should be condemned inside America as she is being condemned in the Middle East for her blasphemy! Along these lines, the pages of the main book, SHIISM IN SUNNISM, pages 78-79-80 states that according to the book, YANABI AL MAWADDAH by AL Hafiz Sulayman Ibn Ibrahim Al Qanduzi Al hanafi, 8th edition DAR AL KUTUB AL IRAQIYYAH 1385 book, section 76, page 440, that: A JEW CALLED NATHAL CAME TO THE HOLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD (saw) AND SAID O MUHAMMAD! I HAVE SOME QUESTIONS, WHICH HAVE BEEN IN MY MIND FOR A WHILE. IF YOU ANSWER ME, I WILL EMBRACE ISLAM WITH YOUR HELP. THE PROPHET (saw) SAID, O ABA AMARAH! YOU MAY ASK ME! THE MAN ASKED, O MUHAMMAD! MAKE ME AWARE OF YOUR SUCCESSOR AFTER YOU, FOR (MOSES) SET YUSHA (JOSHUA) IBN NUR AS HIS SUCCESSOR. THE HOLY PROPHET REPLIED, MY SUCCESSOR IS ALI IBN ABI TALIB AND AFTER HIM MY TWO GRANDSONS HASAN AND HUSAYN AFTER WHOM NINE IMAMS FROM HUSAYN(s) PROGENY WILL COME SUCCESSIVELY. TELL ME THEIR NAMES, MUHAMMAD, HE REPLIED. THE PROPHET (saw) STATED (please note readers that the prophet Muhammad(saw) is actually predicting the future here because this question was asked during his time about the times after him right up to our time period and beyond) AFTER HUSAYN WILL COME HIS SON ALI (Sajjad), AFTER ALI HIS SON MUHAMMAD (Baqir), AFTER MUHAMMAD HIS SON JAFAR (Sadiq-this is the sixth Shia Imam who taught almost all the Sunni Imams-yes, almost all the Sunni Imams were taught by this great teacher, holy imam and from the household or blessed bloodline of the prophet Muhammad(saw) and many Sunnis know their names which includes Shafie and Maliki), AFTER JAFAR HIS SON MUSA (Kazim), AFTER MUSA HIS SON ALI (Riza), AFTER ALI HIS SON MUHAMMAD (Jawad), AFTER MUHAMMAD HIS SON ALI (Hadi), AFTERALI HIS SON HASAN (Askari-and he was given that name because in his time the evil leader at his time saw the army that will come to serve his son, Imam Mahdi(as), in a miracle performed by the said Imam by the permission of Allah(swt)),AND AFTER HASAN HIS SON HUJJAH MUHAMMAD MAHDI. THEY ARE THUS TWELEVE IN NUMBER. And those are our twelve Holy Imams (as), the last one is the Imam of our time, our beloved and awaited Imam Mahdi (as), may Allah hasten his return and that of his second in command, Prophet Jesus (as). The late great Ayatulloh Sayyed AL Musawi Al Khomeini (RA) said once that the IMAMS (mentioned above by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) long before they were even born) are HIGHER THAN THE PROPHETS OF ALLAH (SWT) so it is not surprising that Imam Mahdi (AS) will be leader and Prophet Jesus (AS) will follow him just as we must follow him as our Imam of our time. Sometimes our brothers and sisters of other sects, including Sunnism, as well as Shia Islam who study or read a little they think they know more than the Ayatullohs and they do not! Many even think they know more than the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and they do not! We are all learning and when we come across the truth we must embrace it especially when it is the words of the Prophet Muhammad(saw) informing us about what we need to do, who to follow and what to expect of our time and more. Such is the mercy of Allah for us as Muslims instead of dividing ourselves at a time when Islam is under attack on our small planet and we are running out of space in a World dominate by the forces of satan and his armies destroying our Holy places, murdering and martyring our Clerics, destroying by bombing our Mosques, infrastructures including our Schools and seminaries, attacks to the graves of the Holy ones, the hunt for those who are resisting legitimately, those carrying out illegal occupation and aggression towards our people. If we cannot stand up now then how are we going to stand up when our beloved Imam Mahdi (AS) comes back?! How can we call ourselves his soldiers, his helpers, his followers when we hide under the wealth and love of this World when this World is nothing but temporary for us, believers! Those who think that BUSH will last forever and his crimes against humanity, listen to what Allah says about the corrupt and evil leaders of any time: According to AL SUNAN AL KUBRA Volume 8, page 184: ALI(as) HEARD A GROUP SAYING: THE RULING IS ONLY ALLAH(s). HE SAID: THIS IS TRUE! RULING IS ONLY ALLAH(s) BUT THERE IS NO REFUGE FROM RULERS, GOOD OR BAD, SO THAT UNDER THEIR RULE, THE BELIEVER DOES HIS DEEDS AND THE CORRUPT GETS BENEFIT AND ALLAH WILL EXPIRE THE APPOINTED TIME. Imam Ali (as) is quoted as saying: PEOPLE ARE INDEED NOT GUIDED, EXCEPT BY IMAM AND LEADER, EITHER GOOD OR BAD. See AL MUSANNAF, Volume 8, page 614, NO. 146 (DAR AL KIKR 1409). Many people today misunderstand the fact that the Shias of Iraq have not risen up in full against the American occupiers but perhaps the answer comes from the words of Imam ALI (AS) again and example set by him: In KANZ AL-UMMAL, volume 5, PAGE 779, no. 14366, Imam Ali(as) is quoted as saying: MUAWIYAH WILL CERTAINLY DOMINATE YOU. WHY DO WE FIGHT THEM? He was asked: PEOPLE HAVE NO REFUGE FROM HAVING A RULER, EITHER A GOOD OR BAD ONE, he replied. Even ALLAH (swt) in the Holy Quran says this to the Muslims and especially the American Muslims who seem to worship their American passports, American money and American way of life today: Allah says in Chapter 2 Verse 12 addressing all Muslims for all time: AND DO NOT DIE UNLESS YOU ARE MUSLIMS.
Often I hear our Sunni brothers doubt the Ahlul Bait (AS), even the last time I was at a Soup kitchen and a Sunni brother was convinced that the Imam Mahdi (AS) was not even born yet! Another Sunni brother is convinced that the Imam Mahdi (AS) will be like some Even in the Sunni book, SAHIH MUSLIM, volume 7, page 130, Aishah is reported as having said: ONE MORNING, THE HOLY PROPHET (saw) CAME OUT OF HIS HOUSE WEARING A CLOAK MADE OF BLACK HAIR. HASAN (as) CAME IN AND THE PROPHET (saw) PLACED HIM UNDER THE CLOAK.THEN HUSAYN (as) CAME AND WENT IN THERE. THEN CAME FATIMAH (as) WHO WAS PLACED THERE BY THE PROPHET (saw). NEXT ALI (as) CAME AND THE PROPHET TOOK HIM UNDER HIS CLOAK AND RECITED (the words): ALLAH ONLY DESIRES TO KEEP AWAY THE UNCLEANNESS FROM YOU, O PEOPLE OF THE HOUSE (Ahlul bait), AND TO PURIFY YOU A THROUGH PURIFYING. The action of the CLOAK occurred in the house of UMMU-SALAMAH, one of the other wives of the Prophet Muhammad(saw) and even she was refused entry under the CLOAK too but HASSAN, HUSAYN, ALI and FATIMAH(AS) as well as documented in SAHIH AL TIRMIDHI, KITAB AL MANAQIB Volume 13, page 200 and MUSHKIL AL ATHAR (authored by AL TAHAWI) volume1, page 336 (Egypt Press with exposition of Ibn Arabi Maliki, KITAB AL MANAQIB, No. 3719, Tafsir (Exegesis of Quran), NO. 3129. In SAHIH AL TIRMIDHI, KITAB AL MANAQIB: UMMU-SALAMAH HAS QUOTED THAT THE HOLY PROPHET (saw) COVERED HASAN, HUSAYN, ALI AND FATIMAH (as) WITH HIS CLOAK AND THEN STATED: O LORD! THESE ARE MY HOUSEHOLD (Ahlul bait) AND MY CHOSEN ONES. TAKE WICKEDNESS AWAY FROM THEM AND MAKE THEM PURE! Ummu-Salamah says, I ASKED THE PROPHET (saw), O MESSENGER OF ALLAH! AM I AMONG THEM? HE REPLIED, YOU ARE INTO GOODNESS (BUT NOT AMONG THEM). The Sunnis may ask what then is the purpose of the Ahlul bait (AS) since all we hear about is Abu bakr, Umar and Uthman? Well, according to the book, MUSNAD AL FIRDAWS: ABU SAID KHUDRI SAYS: THE PROPHET (saw) ACCOMPANIED THE FIRST PRAYER WITH US AND THEN TURNED TO US AND STATED: O MY COMPANIONS! THE LIKE OF MY AHL AL BAYT AMONG YOU IS (like) NOAH (s) ARK AND THE GATE OF REPENTENCE (BAB HITTAH) OF THE ISRAELITES. SO AFTER ME, HOLD FAST TO MY AHL AL BAYT; THE FOLLOWERS OF TRUTH FROM MY PROGENY. SURELY YOU WILL NEVER GO ASTRAY. HE WAS ASKED: O THE MESSANGER OF ALLAH. WHAT IS THE NUMBER OF IMAMS AFTER YOU? HE REPLIED: THEY WILL BE TWELEVE FROM MY HOUSEHOLD. Despite the fact that there have been deliberate misinterpretations led by the Maulanas of the Sunnis and that is why in Islamic prophecy it is stated that when Imam Mahdi(AS) returns his first task would be to CUT THE HEADS OFF OF THOUSANDS OF AALIMS OR MAULANAS, because they know very well about the truth in the SUNNI books regarding this below as well as those mentioned above, yet they continue to deceive the people: According to page 83-84 of SHIISM IN SUNNISM, this book cites even further references to prove its points: According to UYUN AKHBAR ALI RIZA (AS) volume 1, page 57, it says: ALI(as) WAS ASKED, WHAT DID THE PROPHET MEAN BY HOUSEHOLD WHEN HE SAID, I LEAVE TWO VALUABLE THINGS AMONG YOU-ALLAH (s) BOOK (HOLY QURAN) AND MY HOUSEHOLD (referred to as Sunnah)? HE REPLIED, BY HOUSEHOLD, THE HOLY PROPHET REFERRED TO ME, HASAN, HUSAYN, AND NINE IMAMS FROM HUSAYN(s) PROGENY THE NINTH OF WHOM IS THEIR MAHDI AND QAIM (the living). THEY WOULD NOT BE SEPARATED FROM ALLAH (s) BOOK UNTIL THEY COME TO THE PROPHET (saw) AT THE RIVER (the spring of khauthur in heaven). Perhaps the most shocking thing today is the fact that many Sunnis continue to deny the existence and purpose of the Imam Mahdi (AS), the last of the Shia Imams even though he is mentioned so many times in their books. Imam Mahdi (AS) is even mentioned in the scriptures of other religions too such as the Sikh faith in which they too are waiting on the Imam Mahdi (AS). In an attempt to deal with this short fall in knowledge one will draw as many references about our beloved and awaited Imam Mahdi(AS) here starting with who is exactly, mention of him at the time of the Prophet Muhammad(saw) and even the Panjatan or Five Holy ones, Muhammad (saw), Ali(AS), Fatima(AS), Hasan(AS), and Husayn(AS): In the book, MUSTADRAK by Hakim, volume 4, page 558, including SUNAN AL TIRMIDHI, Volume 4, page 505: THE PROPHET (saw) SAID: A MAN FROM MY HOUSEHOLD WILL COME; HIS NAME WILL BE AS SAME AS MINES (Abul Qasim Muhammad which is the first parts of Imam Mahdi (s) (as) name). Abu Hurayrah said: IF THERE WERE TO REMAIN IN THE LIFE OF THE WORLD BUT ONE DAY, GOD WOULD PROLONG THAT DAY UNTIL HE (MAHDI) COMES. Tirmidhi says: THIS TRADITION IS FINE AND TRUE. According to MUNTAKHAB KANZ AL UMMAL, volume 6, page 32: THE HOLY PROPHET (saw) said: A MAN FROM MY HOUSEHOLD(as) WILL EMERGE WHOSE NAME AND MANNER ARE THE SAME AS MINE. HE WILL FILL IN THE EARTH WITH JUSTICE AS IT HAD BEEN FILLED WITH INJUSTICE AND OPPRESSION. The beauty of our Ahadith or Islamic traditions is that the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Ahlul bait (AS) often repeated to many followers the same idea so it was recorded so many times as mentioned above that it is not possible to be lies at all and that is why Ahadith which are in line with the QURAN and logic are believed and given the name of SAHIH hence the names of SAHIH BUKHARI and SAHIH MUSLIM etc. There is a reason why Ayatullohs study for 16-20 years on an average and why such care is taken in studies so as to bring the truth to the people instead of repeating lies and people who invent reality or corrupt the truth. In so doing as mentioned on page 104 of SHIISM IN SUNNISM, sources of Ijtihad are mentioned for that very purpose and more--ALL THAT IS INCLUDED IN USUL (THE SCIENCE OF PRINCIPLES OF OBTAINING RELIGIOUS RULE(s)) BOOKS AS SOURCES OF IJTIHAD ARE: (1) HOLY QURAN; (2) PROPHET(s) SUNNAT (his Ahlul bait)(as); (3) IJMA (consensus)-ALL MUSLIMS UNANIMOUSLY AGREE UPON A STATEMENT IT WILL BE PROOF; (4) AQIL (WISDOM); (5) QIYAS (ANALOGY)-TO PROVE A DEFINITE RULE FOR ANOTHER DEFINITE RULE VIA SOMETHING IN COMMON BETWEEN THEM; (6) ISTIHSAN (APPROBATION)-SUBSTITUTING ANY AGREEMENTS FOR THE ACCEPTED FACTS FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PEOPLE; (7) MASALIH MURSALAH-MASLAHAH IS THE SINGULAR FORM OF MASALIH WHICH IS A RELIGIOUS CONSIDERATION OF ISSUES. MASALIH IS ALSO THE CAUSE LEADING TO A RELIGIOUS CONSEQUENCES EITHER IT BE WORSHIP OR HABITUAL ISSUES. MURSALAH IS INTERPRETED AS DISCOVERY OF SOME ISSUES LEFT TO WISDOM. Advice has been given to the Muslims, not only Sunnis but Shia too about going astray: on page 130 of SHIISM IN SUNNISM by Ayatulloh Sayyid Muhammad Reza Mudarrisi Yazdi who cites SUNAN IBN MAJAH, Volume 1, page 8, NO. 55 and KANZ AL UMMAL: THE ISRAELITES WERE MODERATE UNTIL PEOPLE EMERGED AMONG THEM WHO WERE THE CHILDREN OF THE CAPTIVES. THEY ISSUED VERDICTS BASED ON THEIR OWN OPINIONS, GOING ASTRAY AND LEADING ASTRAY, TOO. Fast forward to today and we see that Jews who suffered under Hitler are the ones as well as their descendents who are persecuting Palestinians as well as stealing lands, torturing, murdering and breaking all the laws of God in what is known as Zionism which tarnishes the whole Jewish race and indeed religion of Judaism. As fundamentalist Sunnis arise and refusing to engage in debate with the Shia, all they are doing is falling into the same trap as the Jews of the past and present-the end result is their own destruction. In continuing with the Imam Mahdi (AS), according to MUSNAD AHMAD, MUSNAD AL ASHARAH: THE HOLY PROPHET (saw) SAID: MAHDI IS FROM MY HOUSEHOLD. GOD WILL PROVIDE HIM WITH VICTORY OVER NIGHT. According to SUNAN ABI DAWUD, KITAB AL MAHDI, Ummu Salamah quoted the Honorable Prophet (saw) as saying: MAHDI IS FROM MY HOUSEHOLD AND FATIMA(s) DESCENDANTS see NO. 610 also SUNAN IBN MAJAH, KITAB AL FITAN, No. 4075. According to AL MUJAM AL AWSAT of TABARANI, Volume 1, page 56: ALI IBN ABI TALEB (as) ASKED THE HOLY PROPHET (saw): O THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH! IS MAHDI FROM US? THE PROPHET (saw) ANSWERED: HE IS SURELY FROM US. GOD WILL CONCLUDE WITH US AS HE COMMENCED WITH US. According to page 71 of this main book, SHIISM IN SUNNISM, it states that: ….VARIOUS OTHER TRADITIONS STATE THAT MAHDI (as) IS FROM HUSAYN (s) PROGENY, SUCH AS THE TRADITION RECORDED BY QUNDRIZI HANAFI IN YANABI AL MAWADDAH volume 3, page 394, ON THE AUTHORITY OF AL DARQITUI IN AL JARH WAL TADIL ON THE AUTHORITY OF ABU SAID AL KHUDRI: THE PROPHET (saw) GOT SERIOUSLY ILL. FATIMAH CAME TO HIM WHILE I WAS THERE. SEEING THE PROPHET(s) WEAKNESS, FATIMAH GOT (a) LUMP IN HER THROAT….THE PROPHET TAPPED HUSAYN ON THE SHOULDER AND SAID: MAHDI IS FROM HUSAYN(s) PROGENY. PEACE BE UPON THEM ALL. Not only did companions of the Prophet Muhammad(SAW) mentioned about the Imams including the Mahdi(AS) but some even left us books on duas, Tafseer on Quran, on Ahadith of other companions, and many other useful things. Here is one example from the words of Imam Hasan (AS), grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), according to AL MUJAM AL KABIR, Volume 3, page 93, 2nd Edition, MAKTABAH IBN TAYMIYAH: IMAM HASAN MUJTABA (as) SAYS: BE PIOUS CONCERNING OUR AFFAIRS; WE ARE YOUR RULERS INDEED…WE ARE THE SAME PEOPLE OF THE HOUSE ABOUT WHOM ALLAH SAID: ALLAH ONLY DESIRES TO KEEP AWAY THE UNCLEANNESS AWAY FROM YOU, O PEOPLE OF THE HOUSE, AND TO PURIFY YOU A (thorough) PURIFYING (chapter 33: verse 33). Note that all Imams like the Prophets before them are what we call QAIM BI AMRI ALLAH that is they maintain Allah(s) orders.
For those who deny Imam Mahdi(s) (AS), existence or his purpose, look again in the books of the Sunnis and Shias and most of all the words of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) regarding the Imam Mahdi(AS) must be honored as the truth! According to the Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) as cited in SUNAN IBN MAJAH, Volume 2, tradition 4087: WE THE CHILDREN OF ABD AL MUTALIB ARE THE MASTERS OF THE INHABITANTS OF HEAVEN: MYSELF(saw), HAMZA (ra), ALI(as), JAFAR(ra), HASAN (as), HUSSAIN (as), and AL MAHDI(as). The Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said in Volume 1, page 99 of MUSNAD AHMAD IBN HANBAL: ALLAH WILL BRING OUT FROM CONCEALMENT MAHDI FROM MY FAMILY AND PROGENY BEFORE THE DAY OF JUDGMENT, EVEN IF ONLY ONE DAY WERE TO REMAIN IN THE LIFE OF THE WORLD, AND HE WILL SPREAD ON THIS EARTH JUSTICE AND EQUITY AND ERADICATE TYRANNY AND OPPRESSION, see also similar at SUNNI reference SAHIH TIRMIDHI Volume 2, page 86, volume 9, page 74-75. It is important to note that there have been attempts to deny the rightful place of the Holy Imams especially among the Arab-So-called Muslim leaders at their respective times since just like SAYYED pose a threat to the leadership, respect and loyalty among the masses, so too the Holy Imams (AS) were seen as a threat to power by the leaders of their epoch and others around them. Here are some proofs of this: According to page 84-85-86 of SHIISM IN SUNNISM which cites the book ITHBAT AL HUDAT, Volume 5, page 218 (the late Allamah Majlise in the book, BIHAR AL ANWAR quotes from the book entitled AL KHARAIJ WAL JARAIH by Ravandi: SOME BELIEVE THAT MUHAMMAD IBN HANAFIYYAH DID SO TO RESOLVE PEOPLE(s) DOUBTS, see BIHAR AL ANWAR, ISLAMIYYAH PUBLICATION, TEHRAN, VOLUME 46, PAGE 30: SHAYKH KULAYNI NARRATES FROM IMAM BAQIR(as), WHEN HUSAYN (as)WAS MARTYRED, MUHAMMAD IBN AL HANAFIYYAH (son of Imam Ali after the death of Fatima (AS) he had married Khooba Hanafia, the mother of Muhammad ibn Hanafiyyah; Ummul Baneen, Laila Masoodia and Asma binte Umais) SENT SOMEONE TO ALI IBN AL HUSAYN(as), HIS NEPHEW, TO TELL HIM IN PRIVACY, O SON OF MY BROTHER! THE PROPHET (SAW) APPOINTED FOR HIS SUCCESSION AND FOR THE IMAMATE THE COMMANDER OF THE BELIEVERS (IMAM ALI (as)), AS YOU KNOW, AND THEN HASAN AND HUSAYN. YOUR FATHER WAS MARTYRED (at The same can be said of other Imams who faced obstacles, jealously and hatred from the ruling leaders at the time seeking ultimate power and wealth from the people and lands. The appointment of Imam Ali Rida (AS) for example, by his father Imam Musa Al Kazim (AS) is well documented in ITHBAT AL HUDAT Volume 5, page 472 and ITHBAT AL HUDAT volume 6, page 8. In the latter reference he (Imam Musa Al Rida (AS)) says: (as narrated from Shakyh Kulayni from Abu Al Hasan) MY SON, ALI (IMAM RIDA (as)) IS THE ELDEST AND MOST BELOVED OF MY CHILDREN. HE READS JAFR (JAFR (arithmomancy) and JAMIAH are two books of ALI(as) in which all the happenings of the world until the end of the world are included according to the science and rule with it) ALONG WITH ME, WHILE NO ONE EXCEPT THE PROPHET AND HIS SUCCESSORS LOOK AT IT. It is important for those Muslims who are obsessed as Professors, Doctors, lawyers and Teachers including Politicians educated in the West and perhaps live in the West or East today, to know that JAFR and JAMIAH are interpreted as SKIN OF GOAT AND SKIN OF RAM ON WHICH ALL THE SCIENCES, EVEN THE DIFFERENT COMPENSATION PRICES FOR A SCRATCH< A WHIP AND HALF A WHIP, WERE WRITTEN, in the times before the re-colonizing of the countries of America, Australia, Argentina, South Africa, New Zealand, Canada and other nations by the Europeans or those of the European race who claim ultimate intelligence today in all aspects of life including having the answer to proper governing as they are doing to Iraq, claiming it to be CIVILIZED yet, they are committing the most uncivilized things in human history as rape, torture, destruction of Iraqi infrastructure, holy places and occupation of it, threats and assassination of Clerics who posses knowledge of the Islamic Seminaries etc. The fact is even if the truth were to be provided there will still be Muslims looking for the answers elsewhere and Muslims betraying other Muslims as not all will understand this or be blessed with the guidance of the truth on the right path. Those Muslims who seek to divide Islam further and cause problems for the mass of Muslims are not new, they existed since the beginning of Islam and did NOT wait until after the death of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) to create the ultimate divisions and problems for the Ummah (community of Muslims). For example, the establishers of ZIRAR MOSQUE (the mosque built by some hypocrites and the Prophet(s) adversaries. The Prophet…ordered to dismantle it at once-see SURAH (CHAPTER) AL TAWBAH, Verse 107). The abandoners of Jihad (the Holy War- loosely translated although it means to struggle within oneself to do good versus evil but in terms of the defense of the UMMAH and MUSLIM lands, it refers to Holy War specifically), WALID IBN UQBAH IBN ABI MUIT (Walid was a companion of the Prophet who gave him information about a newly embraced Muslim. The Angel of Revelation descended and rejected his information-see SURAH AL HUJIRAT Verse 6. Three of the Prophet(S) companions I.E. Furat, Hilal and Kab who referred to engage in (the) Tabuk War- see Surah (Chapter) Al tawbah, Verse 118, Samarah Ibn Jundab (he was one of the companions who had a tree in the house of one of the ANSAR (helpers) and basically loved this earthly tree more than even the Prophet (S) offer of one in paradise) and some others are all examples of this bitter truth. The same kind of opposition occurred at the birth of Imam Mahdi(AS) as well when the leader of his time of his birth, sought to murder him and hasassed his mother as well. For example, AL MUTAMAD (may the curse of Allah be upon him) was the evil leader at the time of Imam Mahdi(S) mother (S) presence. This evil AL MUTAMAD arrested the mother of the 12th Imam (Imam Mahdi(AS)) just as at the time of Prophet Moses(AS), the evil Pharaoh sought to arrest and kill many innocents in trying to stop the birth of Prophet Moses(AS) and in this case of AL MUTAMAD, trying to stop the birth of Imam Mahdi(AS)-both men, the evil Pharaoh at the time of Prophet Moses(AS) and AL MUTAMAD failed to stop what God intended to do. Qazi Abu Shorab was placed in charge of murdering any child born to Janab Nargis Khatoon, the mother of Imam Mahdi(AS). Naturally his birth could not be stopped and he was born on Friday 15th of Shaban 255 A.H. The Cellar (Sardab) of the 12th Imam Al Mahdi(AS) is in (1) Mahdi(AS) is going to come in the last days to make a Universal Government; (2) Mahdi(AS) is from the Ahlul Bait(AS) or Household of the Prophet Muhammad(saw); (3) Mahdi(AS) is from the children of Lady Fatima As-Zahara(AS), daughter of the Prophet Muhammad(saw) that is he (Mahdi(AS)) will be a direct descendent of Fatima(AS) wearing a black turban, carrying the heavenly created sword called Zulfikar and being a young looking man of about aged 25 years old when infact he would be over 1,000 years old by the power of Allah and of course those who believe in Allah and His power to also bring back Jesus(AS) who would be over 2,000 years old, yet look young too; (4) Mahdi (AS) is different than Jesus(AS)- that is Mahdi(AS) is an Imam of our time our imam whereas, Jesus(AS) is a Prophet (AS) and will be coming back for the one tribe of Israel who truly believes in him and his teachings NOT for all Christians and NOT for all Jews either; (5) Jesus(AS) will be one of the followers of Imam Mahdi(AS) and will pray salaat or prayers behind him, in Jamaat or congregation-Jesus(AS) will seek permission to go to the west to slay Dajjal(the seat of what is the US government) and will establish the Kingdom of Heaven (rule) as it is in heaven, with the permission of the Imam Mahdi(AS). When our Sunni brothers ask about the Mahdi(AS) and they doubt him or any aspect of him, tell them that 35 Prominent Sunni Scholars have written 46 books exclusively about Imam Mahdi(AS) being already born and describing him as a Blackman, with a shiny forehead, of the bloodline of the Prophet (saw) and of Nubian background, hence his color while embracing the Europeans because his mother was European into the family of human beings in faith under Allah. Some of these books include KITAB AL MAHDI by Abu Dawud; ALAMAT AL MAHDI by Jalaluddin Al Suyuti; AL QAWI AL MUKHTASAR FI ALAMAT AL MAHDI AL MUNTADHAR by Ibn Hajar; AL BAYAN FI AKHBAR SAHIB AL ZAMAN by Allamah Abu Abdillah Ibn Muhammad Yusuf al Ganji Al Shafii; MANAQIB AL MAHDI by AL Hafidh Abu Nuaym al Isbahani; MAHDI AALE RASOOL by Ali Ibn Sultan Muhammad Al Haraw Al Hanafi; Al BURHAN FI ALAMAT AL MAHDI AKHIR AL ZAMAN by Al Muttaqi al hindi; ARBAIN HADITH FI AL MAHDI by Abdul Ala Al Hamdani; and AKHBAR AL MAHDI by Al hafidh Abu Nuaym and many others more not listed here. Imam Mahdi(AS) said as cited from BIHARUL ANWAR VOLUME 78, page 380: THE BENEFIT THAT PEOPLE WILL HAVE FROM ME DURING MY GHAYBAT (THE HIDDEN PERIOD UNTIL HE ARISES AGAIN BY THE PERMISSION OF ALLAH) IS THE SAME AS THE BENEFIT PEOPLE HAVE FROM THE SUN, EVEN THOUGH IT MAY BE INVISIBLE BEHIND THE CLOUDS. So for those Sunni brothers and sisters who deny the existence or re-appearance of the Imam Mahdi (AS) it is perhaps time to start reading your own textbooks not just the Shia, for almost all our sources of him come from Sunni books, yet there is disagreement between us to the extent that Shia are being hunted and murdered in Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Egypt, and many other parts of the World let alone the Sayyeds who are also being hunted and assassinated too.
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